

Fred's Osterman Shortwave Receivers Catalog

Ευχαριστώ τον Κύριο OSTERMAN για την καλοσύνη του να με συμπεριλάβει στους εξωτερικούς συντελεστες του έργου του που ειναι μια συλλογή Ραδιοφωνικών Δεκτών του Δυτικού Κόσμου.

I would like  to thank Mr. Fred Osterman N8EKU for his gentle kindness to include me among the contributors, in his new edition of shortwave Receivers. In the 800 page Collection has 1700 Shortwave Communications Receivers manufactured, from 370 Manufactures, in 40 countries, from 1942 - 2013.

my contribution to this book is about giving  data and photo  about, maybe one of the bigger,  Receiver ever  made by RCA .
this is the RCA SSB R3 dual diversity receivers  you can see mine  here

 more info here



theese stocks are not mine. I just found on the net some pics